Tuesday, April 10, 2018

What is Time's Up?

Time's Up is a movement that was created in response to the continual sexual harassment of all women in the work place. According to a study done in 2015 by the magazine, Cosmopolitan, 1 in 3 women from the ages of 18 to 34 have been sexually harassed at their place of employment. An astonishing 71% of those accounts were never reported (Timesupnow.com). This Movement is formed by women within the entertainment industry, however, these powerful women make it extremely clear that they stand in solidarity for all women, of every walk of life. Not only is sexual harassment addressed within this movement but so is another prevalent problem, gender inequalities. One sickening statistic is that men typically get paid 8% more an hour than women (BBC.com). The founders, and all who join Time's Up, seek to close this gap. They hope to give a voice to the voiceless, spread awareness and strength to all who suffer at the hands of perpetrators and shed light to the injustice done to every woman. 


The Social Exchange Theory states that there is a cost and reward ratio between every relationship. This theory is based on the research by John Thibaut and Harold Kelley. Costs are elements of relational life with negative value, whereas the rewards are positive (Thibaut, Kelley, 1959). This theory also makes a point that when people agree on the cost and benefits, then power can be created. A major force behind this theory and the Time's Up movement is that the outcome between people involved in a relationship has to satisfy everyone's self-interests. This is exactly what is being illustrated in the Time's Up movement. The outcome of the relationships built between one another to speak out together is more positive than negative. These united women weighed out the cost of potentially being isolated, slandered in the media, and perhaps accused of being a liar and even losing their careers. With that cost being taken under consideration, these women found the outcome to their relationships within the organization to outweigh these costs. The self-interest is the same across the board... the appropriate treatment of females. With all in agreement, power can be achieved and goals can be accomplished. Those goals being change for women around the world.


Creating The Time's Up movement is part of the behavioral sequence found within the Social Exchange Theory. The sequence is "a series of actions designed to achieve a goal"(Thibaut, Kelley, 1959). When women of this movement engage together, they then become dependent on each other. Again, this is how their power to change is created. Their unity can also control the behaviors of others. Time's Up has an influence on men, that is when they realize the consequence of their actions before or after the fact. 
The Time's Up Movement has been and continues to be what is called a productive exchange(Thibaut, Kelley, 1959). This is not that some people in the movement benefit but that all parties do. All women that are involved incur the benefits and costs together as one!


“Home.” Time's Up Now, 2017, www.timesupnow.com/.    
Thibaut, J., & Kelley, H. (1959). The Social Psychology of Groups. New York: Wiley.

“Gender Pay Gap: Men Still Earn More than Women at Most Firms.” BBC NEWS, 21 Feb. 2018, www.bcc.com.
West, Richard L., and Lynn H. Turner. Introducing Communication Theory: Analysis and Application. McGraw-Hill Education, 2018.  

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